Every expectant mother experiences stress at times throughout her pregnancy. This is a normal part of pregnancy and, in fact, even prepares your baby for his journey into your arms. However, there are times when regular every-day stress can move into overdrive. Especially when mothers see their To-Do lists getting longer instead of shorter. There are so many things you want to accomplish before the baby arrives, and it seems as though time is going by quickly. Stress reduction should be at the top of the To-Do list. Start with simple tips that are scientifically proven to reduce stress:


Schedule time to do activities that increase your joy. Hang out with girlfriends who make you laugh. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good.


Repetitive yawning actually helps reset the brain and allows you to refocus.

Meditate or Pray.

This can be accomplished in many ways. You can simply find a quiet space, close your eyes and think about the people and things in your life that you have gratitude for. You can also participate in activities that help you to feel calm and centered, like walking in nature, gardening or swimming.

Move Your Body.

Movement is one of the best ways to remove stress from your body. Take a walk. Go swimming (also great to line your baby up for birth). Take a belly dance class. Try prenatal yoga.

Practice Deep Breathing Techniques.

Slow your breathing. Try and count to four while you inhale and count to eight as you exhale. Do this for several minutes when you feel stressed.

Slow your Breathing.

Try and count to four while you inhale and count to eight as you exhale. Do this for several minutes when you feel stressed.

Take a Daily Nap.

Yes, it’s true, you should lie down. Cuddle with your partner, your dog or your teddy bear. Napping for just 15 minutes a day has direct health benefits and reduces stress levels immensely!

– Laurel Wilson and Tracy Wilson Peters are the co-authors of “The Greatest Pregnancy Ever: Keys to the MotherBaby Bond” (Lotus Life Press, $19.95). They can be reached at: info@thegreatestpregnancyever.com

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